
Download the time thief
Download the time thief

download the time thief download the time thief download the time thief

Reducing WIP increases your attention on fewer items, allowing a laser sharp focus on completing the most important work. This thief thrives on interruptions, dependencies, and competing priorities – and that’s why it’s the ringleader of all the other time thieves. This stems from too much “yes.” If you want to get important work done faster, more “no” is required. If we confront the thieves, acknowledge their existence, and make them visible, we can begin to chase them away and take back the day. Neglected work – partially completed work that sits idle on the bench.Unplanned work – interruptions that prevent you from finishing something or from stopping at a better breaking point.Unknown dependencies – something we aren’t aware of that needs to happen before work can be finished.This is exacerbated when we are uncertain about the most important thing to do. Conflicting priorities – projects and tasks that compete with each other.Too much work-in-progress (WIP) – work that has started, but not yet finished.Get to know the five thieves of time, which if exposed and measured for impact, can help us improve our performance: We let thieves steal time from us, day after day. The problem is that we don’t protect our hours from being stolen. Yet we mortals all have the same 24 hours. We tell ourselves that there are not enough hours in the day. Unless you’re on vacation, it is not a good day when you start your number one priority on the day’s to-do list at 5:00 pm.

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